Ervas Daninhas - Weeds

We often overlook the small details of nature that exist within urban environments. We see the concrete buildings, the busy streets, and the crowded sidewalks, but we fail to notice the fascinating world of weeds and other small plants that grow between the cracks in the pavement. I get dazzled by them. If you watch them carefully you’ll find perfection and pure beauty.
They are incredibly resilient, able to survive in harsh conditions and thrive in environments that other plants cannot. They are also important sources of food and shelter for insects and other wildlife that call our cities home.
Moreover, these small plants have unique and fascinating characteristics that are often overlooked. Their intricate patterns and textures, the way they bend and twist to reach for sunlight, and the vibrant colours of their flowers and leaves are all evidence of the delightful complexity of nature.
Try to find some of these magnificent tiny living beings and let me know the one that catch more your attention!